As of June 7th 2023 at 8 a.m.
The burn ban applies to all land clearing and yard debris outdoor burning. This ban does not apply to small recreational fires in established fire pits at approved campgrounds or private property with the owner’s permission. The use of gas and propane self-contained stoves and barbecues are allowed under the ban.
Recreational fires must:
- Be enclosed of steel or non-combustible material. Must be solid structure or screened with 1/8” steel mesh.
- Standard ring size: max 36” in diameter, between 7 3/8” and 16” high.
- Be located in a clear spot with a 10 foot radius free of combustible material, clearance of branches and other overhead fuels 10 feet vertically above the ring
- Enclosure/ring must be 25 feet from all structures.
- Be attended at all times by an alert individual and equipment capable of extinguishing the fire like hand tools and a charged garden hose or not less than two 5 gallon buckets of water.
- Enclosure/ring must be maintained and cleaned after each use.
A PDF containing more information regarding recreational fires can be found here: https://spfr.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/homefire.pdf
This ban only applies to residents within the district of South Pierce Fire and Rescue. For residents outside of South Pierce Fire and Rescue, please contact your local jurisdiction for requirements.
If you have an approved burn permit from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and/or your property falls under the jurisdiction of DNR, you are advised to call 1-800-323-BURN for more information.
Burn Ban hotline: (253) 798-7278.
Thank you for your cooperation.