South Pierce Fire and Rescue’s Board of Fire Commissioners is seeking candidates for appointment of Fire Commissioner.
Any applicant for this appointment must be at least 18 years old, a registered voter and reside within the boundaries of the fire district. South Pierce provides service to Roy, McKenna, Clear Lake, Harts Lake, Lacamas, La Grande, Ohop, and the unincorporated areas of Pierce County within its boundaries. Service is provided to the Town of Eatonville through an interlocal operational service agreement. Residents of the Town of Eatonville are not eligible for this appointment.
Citizens may submit a letter of interest and resume, beginning Monday, July 26th until 3:00 pm on Wednesday, September 15th, 2021.
Letters of interest, as well as resumes, may be sent to any of the following:
Email: smiller@spfr.org
Fax: 253-262-3182
SPFR, Attn: Summer Miller
PO Box 898
Eatonville, WA 98328
The South Pierce Board of Fire Commissioners is comprised of five members, elected by the public. Commissioners typically serve a six-year term. This vacancy will be filled by the appointee until the general election of 2023, after which the person elected will serve for the remainder of the term (through 2025).
The board meets monthly to determine level of service, establish goals, type and level of funding, approve budgets, establish tax levies, approve policies, employ key personnel and supervise the fire chief, guide strategic planning and represent the district to the public. All regular meetings are held on the third Monday of every